Let the Countdown Begin

That's right. T minus 8 DAYS until the final season of LOST!!! Beginning this past fall, I have watched (i know what you're thinking...loser with too much time on her hands, oh well.) every single episode of the series up until the season 5 finale. Maybe I'm a geek, but I had to do something after Nat moved out and I was alone in the apartment in Atlanta. Don't judge me. Throughout my own flashbacks to past episodes, even more questions arose to me for the final season: what the CRAP is the black box, and how did Locke's dad get to the island, only to have Sawyer kill him? What really happened to Rousseau's crew? What do the numbers mean? Who the CRAP is the man in black?...and most importantly, what's the smoke monster? The questions are endless, and the answers will be pouring out in only 8 days! While living with Em and Jonas, we have been having Lost Theory Discussions about what it all means.....most of these discussion end in even more confusion! Here are some of my theories\thoughts:
-Sayid is gonna die...for sure. last we saw him he had a bullet in his gut, he's a dead man!
-Locke is related to Jack, and so are Claire and Widmore (who, if you don't remember, is also Faraday's dad)
-Charlie will come back, just so I can hear Claire scream "Chaaalie, where's my babay!!"
-Christian, Jack's dad who keeps popping up on and off the island, is really the "man in black." He used jack's dad's dead body to find the "loophole", and then switched into Locke's body in order to go kill Jacob. that's the loophole...i think
-Kate will not choose Jack or Sawyer. that's gonna be 1 of the unanswered questions the geeky writers will leave us just to piss us off!
-Richard Alpert will never age..he will always me a middle-aged guy with eyeliner on.
Although I'm really sad to see the show ending, thus leaving me with nothing to do on Tuesday nights at 8pm, I can't freakin wait for the final season! Live Together, Die Alone....