

So, obviously by my blog background, I am a fan of LOST. I have been waiting for January 21st to get here for quite a while, and it finally arrived last week. I was pumped for the 2 hour Season Premiere of possibly the most interesting, confusing show on television. I wish I had lowered my expectations, because they weren't quite met. I think for the first half hour I just sat there with my mouth open and a blank stare on my face out of sheer confusion. What the crap is the deal with the Island going back and forth in time so much with every flash of bright white light? I'm sorry, is this a homage to "Back to the Future?" The entire 2 hours I couldn't decide whether it was really creative and intriguing or just really far-fetched and kinda dumb. So far, I think I decided on the latter judgement. So, as the 2nd Wednesday approaches, please, LOST, be Awesome....you've lowered my expectations- now meet them!



Invest. Don't worry, I'm not about to go on some soap box tangent about the recession/depression/crappy economy.  Invest, like, devote time and energy into something.  

It's amazing how God can just slap you in the face with something He's been trying to subtly teach you for a long time, because you just haven't gotten the hint yet.  He slapped me right in the face this week, and I totally deserved it!  I've been working at my job for almost 5 months now, and I don't think I can tell you 1 intimate detail about my co-workers.  Well, that's not totally true because there's a couple people who actually go into too much intimate detail about their personal lives!  Anyways, I tend to be incredibly timid and quiet in a new environment, and it takes a lot for me to break out of that.  My daily routine consists of going straight to my little egg-shaped cubicle and sit there at my desk the entire day working and emailing people, only getting up to get some water or send out a fax.  No wonder I don't really like my job, right?!  I also tend t be extremely intimidated by people-mainly grown ups and rich people.  The head of the department, a lady who scares the crap out of me for no 1 reason other than the fact that she is the head of the whole department and I have heard her scream cuss words while doing business on the phone, decided to meet with each of us assistants individually the other day to discuss training, etc.  Of course, I was completely nervous.  So, she just talks to me about how we are not where assistants should be at this point in the game, and that its not to our fault but to theirs for not giving us proper training during this busy season in the industry.  However, she criticizes the fact that I do not ask enough questions.  And she is completely right.  I don't.  Well, I ask questions, I just ask them to 1 of the other assistants.  She doesn't know this though bc I'm pretty sure that up until this point I have spoken to her maybe 4 times, and none of those 4 times involved questions.  
The point of this story is that I have been so preoccupied with how much I don't think I like this job, that I forgot to try harder to make it bearable, better, actually enjoyable.  And now I realize God has been trying to get me to INVEST more in this job and the people that come along with it, and I have been blatantly ignoring Him for 5 months.  
So, this meeting was on Thursday......so yesterday, I get up to work out, and like always, I come back in to take my shower and get ready for work and turn on my iPod to my usual Morning Playlist.  But today, for some reason, I don't really feel like listening to music, so I decided I am hungry for a good podcast sermon from Mosaic, the church in L.A.  I turn to whatever the next sermon is that I haven't listened to yet, and what do you think that sermon is titled?-Yeah, INVEST!  BAM-Slap, right in the face.  Thank you, Lord!  The sermon is great, talking about our dreams and how we should always dare to dream big and to do big things because we have God on our side.  He talks directly to me, talking about how a lot of days we just get into our routine without spending time with others, we "go to work and don't know the people we spend 40 hrs a week with..." Really?  Really, Jesus?-Really!  He got me, I am totally convicted.  I am Jim Carey in "Yes Man."  I love the word "no."  It might be 1 of my favorites words (other than my all-time favorite-"hooker").  I would rather say no than say yes to something that might lead me to something extraordinary.  Sad.  I wonder what all I have missed out on by simply choosing the word "no" over the word "yes?"  

So, with my a heavy conviction and a red mark on my face, my new thing is to INVEST.  Invest in people, in my work, in my relationships....and in turn, invest in my Life.  We only live on this earth once, why not invest in it?