
5 Reasons Why I Heart Beyonce

In the words of Chrissy Wells, Beyonce is my new "girl crush!" This is the part where I would usually explain why I'm making this list.....but the Diva needs no introduction:

#5: No only does she have a badass enough first name to need no last name, but she has also come up with an alter-ego with an equally badass name: Sasha Fierce!! That's gutsy! You'd think she would've known to stray away from creating an alter-ego considering others have tried and failed miserably (Chris Gaines? Anybody, Bueller?) I admit, when I first heard about Sasha Fierce, I poked fun......not anymore!

#4: Her thighs. Have you seen the Single Ladies music video? Those things could strangle a 350 lb. man if necessary. Some have debated whether or not they are actually real!

#3: The "Single Ladies" music video. That choreography is unhuman, I mean the 1st time I saw the video, I could not avert my eyes! Those moves are not possible for a normal human being to do (unless of course, you are this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTegy6sBQVA). I mean.....how does she dance in those heels? And how can she get so low to the ground so fast? Its like, she's dancing, dancing, and then BAM....on the ground! Amazing!

#2: Her performance of "Ave Maria" on the Christmas special last year. Yes, Beyonce has somewhat strayed away from her singing roots into the movie, fashion, tabloid world; but nobody can ever say she's a manufactured product of Hollywood. The girl has God given talent with a voice that gives you chills. In case you didn't see it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo3KEQrVm3s

#1: "Na na na A diva is a female version of a Hustla, of a Hustla, of a Hustla.....I'm a I'm a a Diva, I'm a I'm a a Diva"


Top 5 Songs I'm SO Freaking Annoyed by Right Now

Top 40 and Pop Hit Radio, as we all know, tend to play the same songs over and over and over and over again.  You'd think Atlanta would be different because it's a bigger city with tons of different music venues for all genres of music.....but NO!!  Here are 5 songs that make me want to hurl the moment they come on the radio....sometimes on 2 stations at the EXACT same time....awesome:

5: "Take A Bow"- Rihanna-  Ok, I know what you're thinking.....Rihanna just got the crap beat out of her by her BF, and now I'm gonna rag on her song?......Yep!!  I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure this song was "the new 1 from Rihanna" like, 4 songs ago!  So why the crap is THIS the 1 they play on repeat all day?  Rihanna just needs to go away, just for a little bit, long enough for us to start missing her, b/c its been overkill lately.  I can't handle it.

4: "Just Dance"- Lady Gaga-Oh My GOSH......SHUT UP!!!  You look like Christina Aguilera without her voice, and although I must agree that if you "just dance, it'll be OK," please SHUT YOUR PIE-HOLE, Hooker!!  And that stupid beat just gets in my head and wont get out.....real annoying! (sorry Katie!)

3: "I'm Yours"- Jason Mraz- This is the most tragic 1 on the list.  Star94 and Q100 have completely ruined this sing for me.  When I first heard this song, I loved it.  I thought it was great...really catchy, and yet not as mainstream as most songs played on the radio.  But now..I cringe when I hear the beginning chords.  I'm pretty sure I hear this at least 3 times a day to and from work, and almost every time, its on BOTH station at the same time!  At least now Jason's got that duet with Colbie Failboat Callait, so they can stop playing "Im Yours" and start ruining the new 1 for me too.

2: "Hot N Cold"= Katy Perry- I secretly loved this song the first few times I heard it.  Now, Katy- I'm cold, FRIGID even, to this little ditty.  At least it got :I Kissed A Girl" off the air for a bit.....Thank the Lord!

1:"Love Remains the Same"- Gavin Rosdale-  UUUGGGHHHHH!! As if the MILLIONS of commercials for that awful movie with Richard Gere and Diane Lane weren't enough to get me nauseous with this song in the background, every radio station in Atlanta is still putting this in constant rotation, even the 1 station I turn to to get away from all the mainstream stuff, DaveFM, has it running on repeat.  I can't get away from it.  As Gavin's love keeps on remaining the same, my hatred for this song steadily increases with each note. 

*I promise my next entry will be less Debbie Downer, more happy thoughts!