
For All You Nay-Sayers.....

....you may think my TOMS are dorky, out of style, and bear a striking resemblence to Hugh Hefner's house slippers, but to think that would be to go against America's Sweetheart herself! Check out who loves TOMS just has much as I do:
footnote: Becky Bird, you are no longer allowed to make fun of my stylish footwear :)


Kinda Fonda Wanda

i love wanda. she is loyal. she is dependable. she is...smelly. She is my car. a 1995 honda accord. and she is molding inside. as most everyone is aware, atlanta has been hit with crazy amounts of rainfall. don't get me wrong, i like rain. but as some of you are also aware, i tend to lock my keys in my car. it's just this really awesome, intelligent thing i do at really awesomely inconvenient times. as a result of this tendency, wanda has lost some of her weather stripping on the driver's side door. as a result of that, whenever it rains, it rains into my car. so, back to the whole rain thing. last week it rained for more than 6 days straight. atlanta got over 14 inches of rain. it closed down schools, it caused traffic jams, it turned six flags into a waterpark. it soaked my entire floor on my car and the driver's seat. usually when it rains in my car, i crack the windows for a day or two to let it air out. this time, i couldn't do that because it was raining every freakin day. now, my baby smells like dirty rain water. the air inside of her is literally more humid than birmingham in july. its miserable. in the mornings when i get in it to go to work, the inside windows are covered with waterbeads from the humidity. i have to drive with all windows down with my head out the driver's window like ace ventura for the first 2 miles of my commute to work. not cool. my pants get damp when i sit in the seat from the moist humid air. i do not enjoy looking like i peed my pants when i get to work, even if billy madison says its cool. its NOT cool. i'm worried. my baby is not doing good. i'm kinda fonda wanda, but i'm also kinda fonda not smelling like mildew.