Jesus, mi fiel amigo, No quiero volver atras
There's a Spanish praise song that we've been singing a lot lately that I just love called "Jesus mi fiel amigo" which means "Jesus, my loyal friend." It talks about Jesus taking the writer up to Heaven where there is always peace, and where you have to be silent to hear Him, and how the writer cant believe what it will be like. Its really cool. At the end of the chorus there's a line that reads, "Quedate conmigo, no voy a volver atras" which means " Stay with me, I will not fall behind." This line has really been sticking in my head because I feel like all I ever do is fall behind....meaning I always say that I will try so hard not to commit certain sins, but I always fall behind and do them......but then I realized that what I need to do is to ask God to "quedate conmigo" be with me so that I wont fall behind.
On this same subject.....I've been reading a lot in Romans, and Paul wrote some things that have really rang true to me, and I'm sure to everyone...
Romans 7: 15-16, 21 says: "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do i do not do, but what I hate I do....When I want to do good, evil is right there with me."
This could not be any more true for me...because I feel like the things I do are all the things I hate to do, all teh sins I commit I hate to commit, and yet I keep falling behind by doing them. It's a lot easier down here at the Ranch surrounded by wonderful examples of Christ and going to Bible Studies almost daily...but going back home even for just 5 was SO easy for me to fall behind and get back into the groove of doing things I told myself I would not do when I went back, and yet I did them.
So, I realize that I when I am in a situation where temptation is overwhelming, when I want to do good and that evil is right there with me....that I need to ask God to be with me and give me say no to teh sins of the flesh and to say yes to what is good and Spiritual and right with the Lord. I'm so thankful that God is teaching me this.....along with so many other things through this whole experience!
PS- I realize this is deep...especially for me....but thats what blogs are for...."Deep Thoughts!!" Dont next post will be filled with quotes and other random things , I promise!
Oh...p.p.s.- One of teh girls had her appendix taken out, and i had the pleasure of spending the night ON THE FLOOR in a Mexican hospital with her last was crazy!! I love y'all and miss you like crazy!