
The One With All The Coffee

This is what corporate America has done to me.......and I'm only on week 3 of my job! As most of you know, I have always disliked coffee. Every time we went on a Starbucks run in college, I was that girl that orders a hot chocolate. All that coffee house mumbo jumbo was so confusing......Linti soy mocha-frappa latte with non-fat milk....I mean what the crap does that even mean? It takes a freakin dictionary to order something there. So, after years of swearing off coffee and endless cups of hot chocolate later, I finally caved. Besides the stress of a somewhat "corprate" (whatever that means!) job, I blame 2 people really......Emily Ray Fridrichsen and Molly Bird Bush. They are the reasons for my downfall. Em has been giving me sips of her mocha-frappa-soy crap for years, and it always ends with me making a disgusted face and brushing my teeth as soon as I reach the nearest toothbrush. Molly has been a little more aggressive by actually serving me coffee doctored up with sweeteners. So, during Cult Reunion 2008 in Nashville, I decide to take up Em's offer of coffee on Saturday morning and let her doctor it up for me-mistake #1. I like it- mistake #2. Mistake #3- I proceed the following week at Kroger to buy coffee and sweetener, excusing it by telling myself it's for Molly when she comes into town that following weekend. I have a cup every morning before work that week (last week). Then, as if it hasn't been bad enough...Molly introduces me to the wonderfulness that is Dunkin Donuts' coffee. We each proceed to drink at least 2 cups on Saturday while out shopping. So, now, as I sit here finishing up my 2nd cup of the evening before dinner, I realize that I have just added 1 more addiction to my list (this addiction comes in 2nd to my addiction to chocolate, and a little head of my tv watching issues). So, I guess you could say I have officially joined in with the rest of Corporate America with my newfound love of coffee....not to mention the office lingo I've picked up like, "I'll shoot you an email" and the constant usage of abbreviations like, "Do you have that MG on SET for WSPA from estimate 2327?" More on that stuff in a later blog!


Blogger Sarah said...

BIRD!! I was the same way, I swear... and once I started subbing and teaching on my own, it was like some urge for coffee came out of NOWHERE! It was so weird!

The good thing is, my craving for it is mostly limited to the cold months, I'm finding... I'm trying to stick with that 'til fall rolls around!

September 4, 2008 at 8:16 PM  
Blogger Em said...

hahahah YES....my plan has worked!!! MMHAAAAAA its not santas plan... love you!

September 5, 2008 at 6:24 PM  

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